Die Hard

Die Hard
In an industry as big as the movie industry it’s very hard to go through all the movies there are and determine which ones are worth watching. This is why we decided to watch them all and give our honest opinion so you can make an educated decision if you want to watch it or pass on it. Die Hard is a classic action movie that hit the theaters with a boom. It’s one of the best action movies ever made and Bruce Willis is doing an amazing job in his role as the main protagonist.
Cast Members
The lead role is a New York cop who is in another city played by Bruce Willis. He does an excellent job making this character legendary and makes his name known in the film industry. Alan Rickman is the main antagonist in the movie and he does an amazing job of playing his character as well. Overall the cast member’s selection was amazing in this movie which is one of the reasons why it was so successful.
Bruce Willis is amazing when portraying this role. He does an amazing job of keeping the audience entertainer for the entire duration. The other actors and actresses are also great which adds to this movie even more. Although the main focus is on Bruce, the supporting characters are important for the entire plot of the movie. The entire cast works well together and make the a lot better.
Production Quality
The producers’ did excellent. The movie was filmed in an era where special effects were very hard to incorporate in a movie but this one feels like it’s so much ahead of time with how the scenes are filmed and executed. From today’s point of view, it could be better because the technology is much better so there’s some room for improvement there.
Script Analysis
The script is very clever, smart, entertaining and funny at time. The writers did an excellent job when they wrote it. It is packed with action scenes where there isn’t any time for talking but there are a lot of other scenes where it’s very funny and uncharacteristic.
Entertainment Value
It’s a classic movie that has to be seen by everyone. It’s probably the best movie of all time for action movie fans which means if you like action you’ll get the most out of it. There are moments of humor that gives the audience a nice little change of pace but it definitely keeps you entertained for the entire duration.
Overall it’s a movie that almost everyone would enjoy watching. Even people that aren’t great fans of action movies might enjoy it. The cast is comprised of great actors and the movie is extremely fun to watch.
The improvements that could be made are in the special effects although at the time this movie came out the technology wasn’t as advanced as today, from today’s point of view the only part that is lacking is that part.
Final Thoughts
A movie that everyone should see in their lifetime. Even those that aren’t action fans might get a kick out of it and have fun while watching it. It’s easy to follow and entertains the audience for the entire duration. The cast is comprised of very talented actors that work well together while the script is excellently written.
(Image Credit: amazon.com)