The Call

The Call
The entertainment industry is huge and there are a lot of movie choices available for you as a viewer but not all of them are too great. This is why we decided to go through all of them one at a time and give our honest assessment so you can make an educated decision whether to watch the movie in question or not. The Call is a movie that is very entertaining and suspenseful. It’s cleverly made and it will keep your attention for the entire length of the movie. Halle Berry is great in the lead role and manages to elevate the entire movie.
Cast Members
The director Brad Anderson managed to make a very entertaining movie that is full of suspenseful moments. The cast he worked with are very talented as well. The lead role of Jordan Turner is played by Halle Berry who is an accomplished actress. The rest of the cast is also very talented and does a great job at portraying the characters. Abigail Breslin is amazing as Casey Welson too.
All of the actors deliver satisfying performance. They fit well with the characters they are playing in the movie. They do their best to keep the audience on their toes all the time. The entire premise of the movie is a bit flawed but overall it’s a movie that will provide decent entertainment.
Production Quality
The producers’ were able to deliver a very fun movie to watch. It will keep you on the edge of your seat constantly. It’s a well-made thriller that gets a bit stretched out towards the end. The overall production quality is quite good and the ending scene will leave you breathless.
Script Analysis
The script is written in a very smart way. It constantly keeps your attention making you wonder what’s going to happen next. There are times where it’s a bit stretched out and it could’ve been better but in essence, it’s the smart writing that gives this movie its finesse.
Entertainment Value
As we already mentioned, this movie is very entertaining. It holds your attention up until the end scene comes up and even then it manages to surprise you with how everything turns out. Halle Berry is excellent in the role she plays and she’s able to keep the audience intrigued all the time.
Overall it’s a movie worth your time because it’s fun to watch and smartly written. Halle Berry is very good in it and manages to keep the entire audience interested almost by herself. The conversation and the entire suspense are going to keep you on your toes the entire time.
The improvements would have to be in the parts of the movie where it seems a bit stretched out which is probably the one and only part of this movie that seems to lack entertainment value.
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