The Fifth Element

The Fifth Element
There are a lot of movies made that are interesting but depending on your taste and what you prefer not all of them will have the right entertainment value for you. This is why we decided to take a look at all of the available movies and review them one by one making sure we go through a checklist that will allow you to make the right choice when picking a movie to watch. The Fifth Element is a sci-fi movie set in the distant 23rd century and it’s packed with action. It’s funny at times and very well-made for that era. If you’re an action fan, this movie is one of the first you should see especially if you like sci-fi as well.
Cast Members
The lead role belongs to Bruce Willis who is a brilliant actor and known for many action movies. He portrays the character perfectly so casting him in this role was a great move from the casting director. The lead female role is Milla Jovovich that also adds a lot to this movie. At the time she wasn’t as famous but she is a superstar actress today with many successful movies behind her.
The performance of the actors is truly great. It’s on point and they are doing an excellent job portraying the characters they are playing. Bruce Willis is excellent in his role and Milla Jovovich manages to put an amazing act as Leeloo. Chris Tucker is another start in this movie that brings a lot of humor to the scenes where he’s at and even though he has a minor role here he does it perfectly.
Production Quality
The producers’ did great considering the technology they had at that time. It’s a movie that was so ahead of it’s time that if they used the technology available today it could be much better. Nevertheless, it’s quite great and very amusing. It will grasp your attention immediately and won’t let you off the edge till the very end.
Script Analysis
The script is very playful but at the same time very well executed. The entire movie is considered to be action but it has a lot of humor added to many scenes which makes it even better than expected. Those scenes come as quite a relaxing moment in between all the chasing and action scenes.
Entertainment Value
If you’re a fan of action and sci-fi movies combined with comedy than this movie is definitely worth your time. You’ll get great entertainment value out of it because it’s exciting to watch and will keep you constantly in suspense. The effects aren’t as great as in the new sci-fi movies but that aside, the rest of the movie is very interesting.
Overall it’s a movie every action fan should see. It’s one of the first of its kind. It mixes a lot of sci-fi and action with comedic elements. The actors’ performance is excellent and will hold your attention to the very end.
The improvements would have to be in the special effects of the movie. It’s pretty good for the time it was filmed but if it was remade today it could be much better. The filming can also be a bit better with camera angles especially in the action scenes.
Final Thoughts
A movie that will pull you in from the start and won’t let you go till the very end. It’s very addictive and entertaining. The actors are able to add a lot to the movie by portraying the characters perfectly. The production quality is alright considering the time it was made and released but there is some room for improvements especially in the special effects and the shooting of the action scenes.
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