The Terminator

The Terminator Movie Review #beverlyhills, #beverlyhillsmagazine, #beverlyhillsmagazinetv, #moviereviews, #moviereviewsonline, #bestmovies, #streamingmovies, #movies, #theterminator

The Terminator

The movie industry is exponentially expanding and they produce more and more movies for our entertainment but it’s impossible to watch all of them. That’s why we decided to review all the movies, one by one, to allow you to make an educated decision whether a movie would be good for you or not. The Terminator is one of the classic movies of its time. It has impressive action scenes, it’s fast-paced and very fun to watch. Schwarzenegger is also doing a great job in the lead role which makes the movie even more interesting.

Cast Members

The lead role is played by Arnold Schwarzenegger, a cyborg that is sent back in time to assassinate Sarah Connor played by Linda Hamilton to stop the development of an AI system that will destroy the earth in the future. A human played by Michael Biehn is also sent back in time to stop the terminator from finishing his mission. The actors are very good, especially Arnold in his role as the terminator. It’s one of the roles that made him very famous in the movie industry.


Arnold is very believable as the terminator and his acting is on point. The other actors aren’t bad but it seems like they can step up their game and do a better job overall. The entire performance of all the actors as a whole is respectable but there’s some room for improvements.

Production Quality

The producers’ did a good job. Although there are some scenes, explosions, and special effects that could be better but when you take into consideration the technology that was available to them when this movie was made it’s not bad at all.

Script Analysis

The script is just right. It’s intended not to be too much and deliver just the right amount of cleverness. The action-packed scenes are written well and the rest of the script is acceptable.

Entertainment Value

If you’re a fan of sci-fi action movies, this one is definitely a must-see. It’s one of the movies that is inspiring other sci-fi action movies. The way it’s filmed, produced, and acted provides an enormous entertainment value for the audience.


Overall it’s a movie that sci-fi action fans would enjoy watching even a couple of times. It’s a true classic and Arnold is perfect for the role. It’s one of the best sci-fi action movies to this day because the director James Cameron managed to make a masterpiece.


The improvements that could be made are in the special effects and production. From today’s point of view, they seem outdated but considering the technology they had back then they are quite alright. Still, the room for improvement would be there and maybe the performance of the other two main actors.

Final Thoughts

A movie that should be seen by everyone. Even if you’re not a huge action fan you will have a nice time watching this movie. It’s a great movie and one of the first of its kind. There are some flaws in the special effects and the acting but it’s not a big deal considering that it provides excellent entertainment value for the audience.

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